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About the EDPU

The Economic Development Policy Unit (EDPU), launched in 2021 and hosted at Oxfam in Lebanon, is a unique constellation of 6 INGO-led Livelihood & Social Stability consortia under the EU Trust Fund, working with the European Union in Lebanon to generate joint evidence-based policy advocacy on economic inclusion and social cohesion.


The Leoceros team manages EDPU’s online channels (LinkedIn and Facebook), supports with the production of EDPU’s social media content, and supports in the design & dissemination of EDPU’s newsletter and publications.

The team also assists EDPU’s research team with the visual development of up-to-date evidence-based communications products such as animated infographics, facts & figures, brochures/factsheets, or videos and ensures their dissemination via multiple online and offline channels.

The EDPU regularly holds coordination meetings and policy events where the Leoceros team supports on communication activities and produces recap videos and material when needed.

Following the coordination meetings, videos have been professionally done and edited to ensure that major points from the meetings were successfully captured and conveyed and that they are in line with the EDPU’s mission statement and audience.