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About Outerpond

Outerpond is a platform that helps Lebanese companies and startups in finding RFPs, tenders, projects, partnerships, and financing opportunities, outside Lebanon on behalf of members of chambers of commerce, business associations and private corporations.

Since its soft launch on July 16 2021, Outerpond has featured opportunities with an average combined value in excess of $250K.

Outerpond logo

Leoceros collaborated with DAI’s Trade & Investment Facilitation project (TIF) and Outerpond to produce a series of explainer motion graphics videos that introduced the functionalities of Outerpond, a B2B Outsourcing, Partnership and Investment Platform.

The resulting videos feature motion graphics that explain the platform’s purpose and functions, highlighting the use cases among service seekers, service providers, and startups.

The videos were showcased on Outerpond’s social media platforms.