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About Save the Children

Save the Children has been working in Lebanon since 1953 and transitioned to Save the Children International in 2012. For more than six decades, Save the Children has used rights-based approaches to increase access for children, adolescents and youths to quality education, and to strengthen child participation and protection at the family, school and community levels. Save the Children supports families to meet their basic needs, including adequate shelter, and facilitates market driven livelihoods opportunities for youth and caregivers. Save the Children empowers civil society in Lebanon in times of peace and conflict to respond to the needs of all children.

Leoceros collaborated with Save The Children to create a captivating photo essay platform, capturing moments and quotes that reflect the essence of INMAA’s consortium during vocational and entrepreneurship training sessions in various project implementation areas.

Leoceros, in collaboration with Save The Children, conceptualized and executed a photo essay platform that aimed to tell a visual story of the vocational and entrepreneurship training sessions. This approach provided a powerful and authentic way to showcase the impact of INMAA’s consortium.

A dedicated photo essay platform was created to curate and display moments during the vocational and entrepreneurship training sessions, capturing compelling images and quotes that reflected the participants’ experiences. The platform was launched through a thoughtfully designed social media post crafted by the Leoceros team. The photo essay platform successfully conveyed the narrative of INMAA’s consortium, offering a visually engaging insight into the vocational and entrepreneurship training sessions. The launch through a well-designed social media post contributed to increased visibility and engagement.